Filiale de société étrangère

Vous vous interrogez sur votre implantation en France et notamment dans le Sud Ouest près de la frontière espagnole ?

Société étrangère, vous souhaitez créer une filiale ou un établissement stable dans le Sud-Ouest de la France ?

Sachez que SERS Walter France vous accompagne tout au long des différentes étapes depuis la création de votre structure jusqu’à son suivi comptable, fiscal et juridique.

We help international groups or a part of an international group to set up operations in South West of France. Our experts handle accounting, tax, HR, and legal requirements and assist overseas subsidiaries on the practical side of the problems they may have, either in France or abroad.

Our services include

  • Business registration
  • Financial statements preparation
  • Payroll and national insurance contributions
  • Management of all the accounting and tax obligations of the French branch subsidiary
  • HR issues

An experimented and professional team, fluent in English and Spanish, is dedicated to international customers. They are ready to answer requests with openness and reactivity.

Where a country-specific knowledge is required, we are able to draw on expertise of our fellow network members, present in virtually every country in the world.


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